Please include:
- Genre
- Summary of book
- Length
- When you would like the review to be posted
- Anything else you would like me to know.
All of my reviews are based on my opinion only. How the book made me feel, What I liked, what I didn't like etc. I am only expressing my opinions as a reader. I only will post HONEST reviews, if you are an author who has requested a review and I did not enjoy the book I will not post a review.
For books I pick up and read on my own I will post positive & negative reviews.
Genres/Categories I Review:
- New Adult
- Young Adult
- Paranormal
- Contemporary
- Dystopia
- Romance
- Some Erotica
Genre's/Categories I Don't Review:
- Non-Fiction
- Middle grade
*If your genre is not listed here, Please feel free to contact me to see if it a book I would enjoy.
I accept:
- Print copies
- e-books
- arc's
- Traditional Published
- Indie
- Self-Published
I Love participating in Blog Tours
Also will host:
- Guest Posts
- Character Interviews
- Author interviews
- Here on the blog
- Goodreads
- Amazon
- If there is anywhere else you would like the review posted please let me know in the email.
I will never share,forward, copy, distribute, trade or in any way infringe on an Author's copywright regarding books I review. Arc's will never be loaned or sold or shared with anyone.
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